Shed and Summerhouse Optional Extras Explained
UKGB optional Extras Explained

Shed/Summerhouse Bearers - Bearers are 3” x 3” (75mm x 75mm) tanalised timber posts guaranteed against rot for 15 years. Raising the building completely off the ground, will allow air to circulate beneath the building and help prevent the floor from getting damp. Lifting the building off the ground also helps to protect it against any ground water which may pool underneath after rainfall. Shed and Summerhouse floors are the most vulnerable parts of any garden building, and bearers are always the first thing we recommend to customers when asked about options to enhance you shed, summerhouse, or workshop.
Shed/Summerhouse Glazing options -
Horticultural Glass - The standard type of glazing found in many garden sheds and greenhouses. Being glass, it will not cloud over time like some plastics and will continue to let light into your garden building for many years. The thickness of glass

supplied with this range of buildings is 4mm.
Toughened Glass - Toughened glass is a type of safety glass processed by controlled thermal or chemical treatments to increase its strength compared with normal glass. If the glass was broken it would crumble into small granular chunks instead of splintering into jagged shards - the idea being the granular chunks are less likely to cause injury.
Shed/Summerhouse Floor options -
12mm Standard Floor - This is the floor found in most good quality garden sheds. Made from tongue and groove timber, this

flooring is perfect for general use and is suitable for most applications.
18mm Heavy Duty Floor - If you plan on using your shed for heavy storage, it may be worth upgrading your tongue and groove floor to this thicker option. These ¾” thick boards provide extra strength and durability for heavier duty applications.
Shed/Summerhouse Roof Felt options -
Standard Felt - This is a 20kg (weighs 20kg per 100 sq. ft) roofing material which comes in rolls and is provided with most good quality sheds. The polyester-based material is impregnated with bitumen to create a 100% waterproof layer to protect your shed.
Heavy Duty Felt - Supplied as standard with the “Heavy Duty”

and “Ryton” models in the Ready Built range, other models can also be upgraded with this felt. This is also a 20kg roofing material, however instead of polyester the heavy duty felt uses fibreglass to create a tougher fabric, making it a more durable and longer lasting roofing solution for your shed.
Lock options -
Press Lock - Supplied as standard with all the “Popular” sheds in the Ready Built range, this lever lock will help keep your shed secure. Internally mounted to prevent the mechanism from being unscrewed, this lock is an ideal entry level security feature.
3 Lever Security Lock - Supplied as standard on all “Heavy Duty” and “Ryton” sheds, the 3-lever lock includes a handle and provides a good level of security for your shed.
7 Lever Security Lock - The highest level of security we can provide, the NeuLock bolt is a stainless-steel security lock. The front plate and shaft are made from hardened steel and are cut, and drill resistant, and concealed fixings help to prevent the mechanism from being unscrewed. The lock is supplied with two keys and an 80mm fixing kit.
Garden Building Finish options -
Dip Treatment – As standard, all buildings in the Ready Built range are dipped in a vat of preservatives. The treatment is a water based anti-fungal preservative and helps to protect your building from the elements. After this treatment the wood will need to be re-treated at around 3 months and then annually with a good quality oil-based preservative to keep it protected.
Tanalisation - All of the framing, cladding, roof and floorboards will be supplied pressure treated. A preservative called Tanalith E is impregnated into the timber under pressure and penetrates below the surface. Tanalith E preservative protects against rot and insect attack for approximately 10 years. This treatment colours the building to a slight green tinge, which will eventually fade to a silver colour. We recommend treating the outside of the building against weathering with an additional stain treatment to help protect it from weathering, or alternatively you could paint the building in a colour of your choice.
Factory Spray Painting - A professional spray applied paint treatment using Protek Wood Preserver or their Royal Finish preserver. Each section of the building is dip treated then spray painted twice. There are 18 paint colours to choose from in the colour chart on the product page. A different colour is possible for window frame surrounds and fascia boards to create a two-tone finish - please give us a call if you would like a second colour for your building.
Barrettine Wood Preserver -
Why not order some wood preserver to help protect your new garden building? Barrettine is a solvent-based treatment which penetrates deep into the timber to protect it from both wet and dry rot. A 5-litre tin will cover approximately 30 - 40 sq metres. Available in 6 different colours, this preservative will also let you enhance the look of your building to create exactly the look you would like.
Additional services
- Reposition the doors and windows for the majority of buildings you can move the door position and window position or have no windows if preferred.
- You can add extra doors and windows
- Upgrade your door to Security or Heavy Duty Door
- Convert your door to stable door
- Convert your door to double door 4ft, 5ft or 6ft
- Add a Verandah
- Have a felt tiled roof, Cedar clad roof or EPDM roof